Halloween at Niagara Produce
Niagara Produce has been gearing up for the fall, and particularly my favorite holiday: Halloween! It's a holiday for people dressing up in all sorts of costumes, pumpkins turning into jack-o-lanterns, and all sorts of spooky decorations. Oh, and candy. One fun little thing we're doing
for Halloween at Niagara Produce is giving away a "Halloween Kit," which is a large pumpkin, a pumpkin carving kit, and a gallon of apple cider! We're giving it away to one of the great people who like us on Facebook. Whoever wins on October 21st can make a night out of carving the pumpkin and drinking apple cider. Niagara Produce is really a great place to get everything you need for any holiday. There are pumpkins: That's a great pumpkin, Charlie Brown. And what are you gonna do with those pumpkins other than carve them and decorate them:
And all sorts of other decorations to spook up your house!
It sure is a great time of year. Fun Halloween Facts:
- The world record for most jack-o-lanterns lit in one place is 30,919.
- More than $118 million has been collected for UNICEF since it was created in 1950.
- Caramel apples.were invented in 1908. You can buy them at Niagara Produce pre-made, or make your own with caramel dip!
- 50% of children prefer receiving chocolate on Halloween, 24% like non-chocolate candy, 10% prefer gum.